Freelance Pakistan
Quality Tutorials from The Freelancers for The FreelancersWe’re a Community of Pakistani Freelancers with an aim to help the young generation of freelancers.
More than 300 Premium Quality Tutorials.
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Our Recent Missions
Check out our recent missions

Mission 9MB
You asked for SEO and Digital Marketing training, and we’re bringing for you 9 Months Branding Bundle full- Like WordPress training, it’d be absolutely free training for youngsters, freelancers from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.

Mission DIVI Zee
In this series Zeerak will teach you each and every thing of Divi, from Theme Options to Module Customization. Visual Builder to Creating Websites with Divi! The mission is divided into three phases ; Phase 1 , Phase 2 and Phase 3.

WP Spartans 300
300 Spartans will learn to unlock WP Codex. APIs will be the ultimate goal. From PSD to WordPress Conversion to WordPress Based Mobile Apps, Spartans will conquer their fears.
Top Playlists
Not so sure where to start? Check out these top playlists from our channel!
Complete Fiverr Training 2017-2019
All Photoshop Tools Explained in Urdu
All Illustrator Tools Explained in Urdu
Freelancing Tips, Secrets & Techniques
All CorelDRAW Tools Explained
Money Making Freelancing Projects WordPress
Still Didn’t Find What You’re Looking For? Head Over to Our Channel’s Playlists Page!
What our students have to say
Sir! You didn’t only teach me what is good in life but also inspired me to do good in life. You are a great teacher & a good human. Thank You for your contribution to building my life.
Great Job! Thank You for sharing your knowledge so openly without holding back. Very much appreciated, keep it coming!
Sir, Salute & Love From India. You Promote Education & Helping People through YouTube.
What a boy he is, So Energetic! I used to fear from DIVI Theme by only listening to it’s name, but now I’ve found a good instructor, Alhamdulillah! Thank You Little Master!
Nice to know knowledge which will help us in future. Farooq Sir you have a way to find the oppertunities in the problem & a very simple way to teach the same in a better way so any layman can understand, Kudos Sir!
WordPress tutorials are available on other channels as well , but the tutorials on Moral Training on Freelance Pakistan channel are not available at any other place..