WordPress Roadmap 2022 – 2023
Crust Level
Get Familiar with CMS / Application Framework
Theme Installation & Basic Site Creation
Niche Info to Choose Themes for Client etc
- Top, Speedy, Secure and Smart Themes & Plugins for LMS, Membership, Ecommerce, Gardening, Construction, Medical, Real Estate, Law, Marketing etc
Demo Site Structure
- Importing/ Exporting
- Menus, Pages, Posts, Products, Categories etc
Setting Up Online Shop/ Store ec
- Payment Gateways Integration
Basic Administration & Maintenance
Domains & Hosting Knowledge
Cloud Platforms Knowhow
- Google Cloud Computing Services
- AWS – Amazon Web Services
Content Management
Text, Images, Multimedia & Links etc
- Typography, Color Schemes, Best Practices etc
- Image Optimization
- Graphic Design Skills
- Write Articles/ Blogs etc
Search Engines Management
On Page / Off Page SEO
- SEO Plugins and No Plugins SEO
- Email Campaigns
- Mailchimp, Aweber, HubSpot etc
Google Search Central (formerly Webmasters Console)
- Site Indexing, Sitemap Submission etc
Google Analytics
- Google AdSense
- Google Ads (formerly AdWords)
- Google Sheets
- Google Data Studio
Social Media Management
Social Profiles
Social Ads e.g Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tiktok, and Snapchat etc
Free Design Tools e.g Canva, Adobe Spark, Crello etc
Build Portfolio
Mantle Level
Coding Ethics / Developer Tools etc
Text Editors etc
- Visual Studio Code Editor, Sublime, Notepad ++, Brackets.io etc
- XML , AJAX etc
- Tailwind CSS
- Bootstrap
- Bulma CSS Framework
- Foundation Advanced UI Framework
- UI Kit
- Materialize Framework
- React mainly
- Vue
- Angular
Frontend Frameworks etc
Full Site Editing
Migrating Sites (Server to Server etc)
Speed Optimization
Security (Server, Site etc)
Become an active member of the WordPress community.
Build Portfolio
Outer Core Level
- Object Oriented Programming – OOP
- Frameworks etc
- Laravel
- Symphony
- Yii
- CodeIgniter
- CakePHP
- phpMyAdmin
WP Codex
- Block Based Themes Creation
- Modern Plugins Creation
- Rest etc
Headless WP
Git (Version Control System) + GitHub (Cloud-based Hosting Service to Manage Git Repos)
Stack Overflow
- Development
- Staging
- Production